StatisticsReview of WSI - Mountain Internet Solutions

Digital Marketing From The Cloud

Digital Marketing From The Cloud

Henry Ford learned the advantages of mass production and dominated the auto industry.  Ford understood that people get better and quicker at what they do when they focus on that one thing.   At WSI we understand that concept too.  Across our network of over 1000 offices we have people who specialize in nearly all aspects of digital marketing.  Our specialists understand their area of expertise better because that is their focus.   With that focus comes higher quality and faster work.  That focus helps us to keep our people informed about the future because as we all know, Internet Marketing is changing all the time.

Henry Ford was ahead of his time.  Even more than he knew…

 “We are always seeking for those things which are in the clouds, not for those that lie at our feet.”

Subject: Natural Resources; America
SourceFord News, p. 2.
Date: 4/15/1925

Cloud Digital Marketers

Remote resources working on the same type of projects for many companies make them more like an assembly line in a cloud network.  No longer do you need to hire a costly team of full-time employees who may or may not have the skills to get the job done.  You will no longer need to search for new employees to replace those that leave.  You no longer do you have to spend marketing dollars on employee benefits.  More importantly, the WSI support team can grow and as your company grows.

Possible Marketing Plan

  • Face to face meetings to collect and share information
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Our specialized staff could work on your email marketing, blog and social media
  • Advertising such as Pay Per Click, Display and Re-marketing ads etc.
  • Need to add a program like Pardot to your Salesforce CRM so you can automate the email process?  We have a Pardot Certified technician (We offer many Certifications and specialties)
  • Our local office would manage all WSI resources and work closely with you reporting on our progress

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Many marketing agencies suggest they are the best company to work with because they specialize in your businesses like yours. Perhaps they offer a website platform that is designed for your business segment. It is true that the company that specializes in a single segment can offer some benefits however it is important to separate the actual marketing of your business from some functional benefits of at specialized service. Why? If, for example, you own a furniture store and you use the same marketing company that your competitors do, it is likely that your marketing dollars will not as beneficial as they could be. The reason for that is that marketing research done for your company is likely to be shared with your competitors by your marketing agency that represents more than one furniture store. If your competitors use the same marketing techniques as your company your efforts will be diluted and not beneficial. Better Marketing Make sure the marketing company you select can commit to giving you exclusive service.  Exclusive service should mean that they do not work other companies in your industry or not with your direct competitors. When you develop a successful marketing campaign you will be glade your marketing company is not in touch with your competitors.


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