StatisticsReview of WSI - Mountain Internet Solutions

Real SEO Solutions Provider

Think about when you search for something using Google. Which results do you usually click on? Probably the top two, maybe the third. If a site has relevant content and optimized landing pages, chances are you click-through on the first result and never look back (but unfortunately, there’s a lot of bad content out there). The point is, you rarely click on any links outside the top three, so that’s where the value lies for businesses. The process of getting your site and content to the top of the search results is called search engine optimization (SEO).

But wait, there’s more. It’s not as simple as choosing a word or phrase that best describes your business and optimizing for those terms. If only it were that easy.

Let’s go back to your Google search for a second. Whatever it is that you were looking for, you searched based on what made sense to you. Not everybody searches the same way, which means great SEO solutions are as much about searcher intent as they are about your business. The key is figuring out how your target audience perceives your business and then hypothesizing how that perception might manifest in their search queries. If you think that sounds like guesswork, then you’d be right.

It’s Hard, But We’re Wizards

Like Harry Potter and Gandalf.

But seriously, why isn’t SEO an exact science? For starters, Google changes their algorithm almost daily and they don’t disclose the varying weights of key ranking factors. This means that SEO involves gathering as much information as possible and making some informed and educated guesses using other available sets of data.

Sounds pretty confusing, but lucky for you we’re experts. WSI’s SEO solutions include competitor analysis, keyword research, content audits and on-page optimization. This mix gives you the best shot at ranking for search terms that are relevant to your business and also backed up by real search data that suggest people are looking for you.

Many marketing agencies suggest they are the best company to work with because they specialize in your businesses like yours. Perhaps they offer a website platform that is designed for your business segment. It is true that the company that specializes in a single segment can offer some benefits however it is important to separate the actual marketing of your business from some functional benefits of at specialized service. Why? If, for example, you own a furniture store and you use the same marketing company that your competitors do, it is likely that your marketing dollars will not as beneficial as they could be. The reason for that is that marketing research done for your company is likely to be shared with your competitors by your marketing agency that represents more than one furniture store. If your competitors use the same marketing techniques as your company your efforts will be diluted and not beneficial. Better Marketing Make sure the marketing company you select can commit to giving you exclusive service.  Exclusive service should mean that they do not work other companies in your industry or not with your direct competitors. When you develop a successful marketing campaign you will be glade your marketing company is not in touch with your competitors.


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